Motorola Talkabout Two-Way MH230 / MH230R FRS/GMRS Radios (Up to 23 Miles*)
Berat Barang : 1.50 Kg
Harga :
Rp. 899.000
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Jam Kerja / Office Hour :
Senin - Sabtu : 09.30 - 17.30
Hari libur nasional BUKA - Hari minggu TUTUP
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Motorola Talkabout ® MH230R adalah alat komunikasi yang harus dimiliki bagi setiap penggemar kegiatan ditempat terbuka. Dengan jangkauan hingga 23 mile* radio ini sangat cocok untuk keluarga dan teman-teman untuk tetap berhubungan dalam perjalanan wisata luar negeri atau gunakan di pusat perbelanjaan yang besar dan ramai. Unit ini ringan, kuat dan dengan fungsi-fungsi penting..




The Talkabout® MH230R has full 22-frequency capacity with 121 privacy codes to reduce interruptions. The Motorola QT (Quiet talk) functionality allows the radios to be set so they can communicate with other compatible Motorola products, adding yet another level of distinction from other manufacturers.

Is your child really going to take time away from the game to talk to you on the phone? No need with the MH230R. The iVOX feature allows them to speak hands-free. Acting like a speakerphone, the iVOX lets you chat without stopping what you are doing to ensure that there is never an excuse not to keep in touch.

Designed to fit every lifestyle, the MH230R allows you the convenience of charging four distinct ways. Use the provided desktop charger at home or a mini-USB car cable on your way to soccer practice. Pack a mini-USB wall cable for recharge in the hotel during your family vacation or simply charge from your PC when no power outlet is available using a mini-USB PC cable. (Mini-USB car, wall and PC cables are sold separately.)

*How far can I expect my radios to communicate? The communication range quoted is calculated under optimum conditions, with an unobstructed line of sight. Actual range will vary depending on terrain and conditions, and is often less than the maximum possible. Your actual range will be limited by several factors including, but not limited to, terrain, weather conditions, electromagnetic interference and obstructions.

**NOAA radio service may not be available in all areas. Check with your local weather office for frequency and details, or visit, (Canada:

          * Secara teknis alat ini mampu menjangkau 23 mile, Namun jangkauan maksimal ini juga dipengaruhi oleh geografis lingkungan semacam bukit, gedung tinggi, medan listrik, dan lain-lain. Tidak ada Jaminan alat komunikasi ini mampu menjangkau 23 mile dimanapun, tetapi sebaliknya jika kondisi geografis memungkinkan daya jangkauannya jauh juga bisa lebih jauh dari yang sebenarnya.

Gambar / Pictures
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Spesifikasi / Specification

Specifications :    

  • 121 Interference Eliminator Codes
  • 11 Weather Channels (7NOAA)
  • 3 x AAA Battery (Battery Alkaline not included)
  • 10 Audible Call Alerts
  • Talk Confirmation Tone (like saying "over" or "roger")
  • Flashlight LED
  • Removable Swivel Belt Clip
  • Audio Accessories Connector (Single Pin)
  • Available in AA battery/Rechargeable Ready w/NiCd Batteries, Two Pocket Desktop Charger, Transformer
  • Priority Scan
  • Hands Free Communication : iVOX without accessory Quiet Talk Filter


Display : 

  • Backlit Display


Indicator / Alert Features :

  • Battery Meter Indicator With Audio Low Battery Alert
  • Audible Low Battery Alert
  • Time-Out Timer


Security Features : 

  • Keypad Lock


Highlight Features : 

  • 22 Channel
  • 121 Code to Minimize interference from outside your group
  • 23 Miles Range*
  • VOX Advanced voice activation lets your talk hand-free with optional accessory
  • Mini-USB Charging Port


Isi Paket / Package Content

- 2 Unit GMRS/FRS
- 2 Belt Klip
2 Battery Pack Rechargable
- 1 Docking Twin Charger
- 1 Adaptor
Buku Manual

Isi paket diatas sesuai standard penjualan tanpa ada penambahan atau pengurangan aksesoris.
Isi paket yg tidak disebutkan diatas adalah optional (harus dibeli terpisah).

Harga :
Rp. 899.000
Untuk pemesanan online klik "buy now".
To buy click "buy now".
Cara Belanja -
Simulasi Biaya Kirim -
Tanya Lebih Lanjut -

Jam Kerja / Office Hour :
Senin - Sabtu : 09.30 - 17.30
Hari libur nasional BUKA - Hari minggu TUTUP
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